Monday, March 24, 2008

Discussion about sustainable waste management

Join us tomorrow evening, Tuesday, March 25 at 7 PM at the Greenwich High School Media Center for an evening with garbage visionary Dr. Paul Connett.

Dr. Connett's talk is entitled "A Sustainable Waste Management Strategy for the 21st Century". He will address Zero Waste, a feasible alternative to landfilling and incinerating our ever increasing amounts of trash. Embraced by some Fortune 500 corporations and a number of towns and cities in U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Italy and elsewhere, Zero Waste has dramatically reduced waste and costs.

Dr. Connett brings a wealth of knowledge, an important message, and a great sense of humor to his audiences. In the last 23 years he has made approximately 2,000 presentations about waste management around the U.S., Canada, and 48 other countries. Until his retirement in 2006, Dr. Connett was a professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University. His speciality is Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology.

Sponsored by the Greenwich Citizens Committee, this program will be the first in a series on what we can do to conserve energy and resources and reduce global climate-changing emissions.

A donation of $5 is suggested for those who can. Free to students and low income.

Greenwich High School is located at 10 Gray Ave. in Greenwich. It is several blocks north of the only traffic light on Main Street in the village (intersection of Rt. 29 and start of Rt. 378), and is the further building on the school campus. For more info and directions, see, call 518/692-8242, or just email back.

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