Monday, October 22, 2007

[Events] Glens Falls Peace Fair on Dec. 8

Neal Herr has informed us of the following peace event.

UUCGF's 2nd Annual Peace Fair is scheduled for Saturday, December 8 from 10 to 5 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Glens Falls, in Queensbury, New York, and you and your group are invited to table again and attend!

This year's fair will be bigger, better and way more peacefuliscious! As before, there will be tables, vegetarian soup and desserts, music, childcare and lots of peace-minded folk. This year will include handcrafted holiday gifts as well, while discontinuing workshops and videos.

If your group would like to table, please respond by November 15. The cost to table is $25, and you may keep any income you make from sales (no food, please). We will provide a table, electrical power, a warm reception, and a big, peaceful welcome.

We would love to have you share your ideas and learn from others at the Peace Fair.

RSVP and hope to see you there!

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